by  in Anabolic Steroid

Testosterone Cypionate

Active chemical: testosterone. Trade names:  Andro-CIP 100 mg / ml; 200 mg / mL: Kim USA. Testosterone Compounds: Top Muscle Enhancers  Andronad 100 mg / ml; 200 mg / mL: Pasadena USA.  D-T.est 100 mg / ml; 200 mg / mL: Wedge Aiden USA.  Dep-Test 100 mg / ml: Sig US. Physiological elevation of endogenous hormones results in superior strength


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 by  in Anabolic Steroid

Omnadren 250.

Active chemicals: Mind Your Power: Of Placebos, Outer And Inner Strength – IOGT International Testosterone phenylpropionate 60 mg. For The Dudes: 10 Herbs To Boost Energy, Improve Stamina and Increase Your Gains In The Gym Testosterone propionate 30 mg. Testo Max – Sustanon – Legal Steroids Bodybuilding Testosteronisohexanoate 60 mg. Effect of steroids and exercise on muscle mass and strength


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