Not an advertisement. It just that decided to figure out why the name of the tablet became a household name and whether it was harmful to take it.
Is it true that Viagra was discovered by chance?
They opened it specifically, but for a completely different purpose. The pharmaceutical company initially developed Viagra: How a Little Blue Pill Changed the World. drug for the treatment of arterial hypertension and angina pectoris. But during clinical trials it turned out that the drug sildenafil affects the heart so-so, but it has a strong effect on the penis.
The company quickly realized what the benefit was. In 1998, the FDA (the federal agency that checks all drugs on the US market) approved a drug called Viagra for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
But is this such a big problem?
Yes, and what else. Erectile dysfunction is very common. Erectile dysfunction (impotence), especially among men over 40 years old. Due to stress, improper lifestyle, alcohol, smoking and disease, sexual life becomes impossible. And this already leads to additional stress, a drop in self-esteem and serious problems in personal life.
And how does Viagra work?
Chemically, ” Viagra” – a substance sildenafil, phosphodiesterase inhibitor Viagra. This means that we have the enzyme phosphodiesterase in our body, which affects the blood flow in the cavernous bodies of the penis and in the vessels. If this enzyme is blocked, not allowed to act, then this same blood flow will increase.
This is how sildenafil works: it relaxes smooth muscles, blood vessels and enhances blood flow to the penis. And this already helps to maintain it in an erect state. Viagra does not cure Sildenafil. the cause of the dysfunction, it simply eliminates the consequences.
The action has nothing to do with sexual desire itself. Viagra and PDE5 inhibitors (there are many trade names, just Viagra is the most advertised and has almost become a household name) help only in the technical part. But without desire, the tablet may network. Sildenafil (Viagra and Revatio).
Who is she prescribed?
” Viagra” is prescribed to men who are already 18 years old and who suffer from erectile dysfunction – for some reason they can not lead a sex life due to the unpreparedness of the penis.
But in general, the active substance works to alleviate the symptoms of pulmonary hypertension, but for these cases it is released in a different form.
And how is it taken?
Most patients are prescribed a dose of 50 mg. Take it one hour before the alleged sex. Not very convenient, but there is plenty of time for foreplay and erotic conversations.
But everyone reacts to the drug in their own way: 25 mg is enough for someone, and someone needs to increase the dose to 100 mg.
Elderly patients and those who have diseases of the cardiovascular system are recommended to start with a small dose. Viagra. in 25 mg.
It is better not to take more than one tablet per day, do not drink the drug with grapefruit juice Sildenafil (Viagra and Revatio). But you can take the drug for a long time, if side effects do not bother.
Is it possible to drink alcohol with Viagra?
It depends on how much. A glass of wine or a glass of beer is unlikely to change the effect of the drug. Sildenafil (Viagra and Revatio). But an excess of alcohol can negate all the possible effect to increase potency.
Does the drug have side effects?
Of course. Men suffering from cardiovascular diseases have an increased risk of heart attack or stroke when taking the drug. Viagra has a vasodilating effect, and sex is a cardiac load, so patients with diseases need to discuss the matter with their doctor, no matter how embarrassed you are.
A separate side effect of Viagra is an overly long erection (more than 4 hours) and priapism. If such an effect is observed, you should immediately contact a doctor. Such prolonged tension of the penis can lead to damage to its tissues.
This is from dangerous conditions. In general, the drug has alist Viagra Side Effects. the side effect (albeit rare) is impressive. There are commonplace dizziness, heartburn or indigestion, and more unpleasant pain when urinating.
Is it really possible to go blind from Viagra?
Such a probability exists. The fact is that the active substance of the tablet affects not only the work of the penis, but also on other organs. In some cases, it can serve as a trigger that prevent the blood supply to the optic nerve and cause neuropathy of the optic nerve Viagra Side Effects. – a disease that impairs vision. It can even lead to blindness, but its course is individual.
If, when taking Viagra, you notice that it has become worse to see with one eye (usually the disease begins with one eye), immediately drop the drug and run for an examination.
Who should not Viagra?
Can not beused Viagra. Viagra if you:
- taking certain medications: nitrates (e. g., nitroglycerin), means for treating pulmonary hypertension and still pile preparations Sildenafil. Therefore, the question of buying funds for potency should be discussed with a doctor;
- suffer from blood pressure disorders;
- suffered a heart attack or stroke;
- suffer from liver and kidney diseases;
- suffer from diseases of the circulatory system;
- have a stomach ulcer;
- inherited retinitis pigmentosa (eye disease);
- have a deformed penis.
I’m shy about buying. Maybe it’s better to order on the Internet?
It is a bad idea. Viagra is often faked A: viagra without prescription., because it is a very popular drug, the name of which is well known to everyone. There is a lot of counterfeit on the Internet, but in additives that are not Viagra, but somehow use this name Viagra: 11 Interesting Facts That You Can’t Help But Be Amazed By., in general, it may not be known what.
This product looks like a blue diamond with smooth edges, in a package of 1 or 4 pieces. Check the tablet in appearance here.
Does the female Viagra exist?
Unfortunately, not yet. Despite the fact that women also report problems with their sexual lives, a drug solution has not yet been found. They tried to give Viagra to women. The active substance helps with pulmonary hypertension, but does not have any effect on female sexuality.
All the drug options that were invented to improve female libido, while working with a lot of reservations Is there an equivalent of Viagra for women?.
The fact is that female sexuality and orgasm are a complex system that depends on the hormonal background, psychological mood, physiology, and it is still unknown what. Therefore, a magic pill that turns women into passionate succubi has not yet been invented.